This exercise is suitable for all and highly recommended for people with kyphosis.
Pregnant ladies can do this exercise while they are still comfortable lying on their backs.
x 5 – 10

Lie on your back with the knees bent and the heels in a line with the sit bones.
Make sure your leg alignment is good. It is very important. Check out my blog if you need guidance.
Have the heels as comfortably close to the buttocks as possible.
The fingers are laced, the elbows bent and open. The hands cup the back of the occiput. The thumbs access the base of the skull on either side of the spine. The arms are like an upside down triangle. The base of the triangle is the line between the elbows and the apex, a vertebra in the thoracic spine.
Gently lengthen between the elbows which are, open and on the floor, and make sure the shoulders are completely soft.
Surrender the weight of the upper back completely to gravity.
Make sure the “mask” of the face is looking at the ceiling.
There needs to be enough space between the chin and the breast bone for the pharaohs beard!
Use the occiput as a boney handle.
Gently pull, with the pads of your thumbs, the bone up towards the crown of the head.
The natural curve of the cervical spine remains.
The balance between the throat and the back of the neck is maintained.
Create more space between the vertebrae.

Energise the muscles of the pelvic floor,
Hollow the abdomen.
Drop the lumbar spine to the floor.
Make sure the hip joints remain soft.
Because you connect the muscles of the pelvic floor, hollow the abdomen and drop the lumbar spine so much to the floor the upper body becomes light and the torso lifts a little off the mat,
Maintain the openness of the throat.
The “mask” of the face continues to look towards the ceiling.
The movement is small but exercises the whole length of the abdominal wall.
Come back down continuously, lengthening, and creating more space between the vertebrae.
This exercise can be done with the legs bent up on a ball, box or chair. Having the feet higher helps you to drop the lower back even more.
The legs are more relaxed and it is easier to keep the hip joints released.
Ready to Try It?
Incorporate “Pharaoh’s Beard” into your daily exercise to feel stronger, taller, more relaxed and with an open heart. Whether you’re exploring optimal posture or just looking for a mindful abdominal support, this exercise is amazing.
DM me for personalized guidance!
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#PharaohsBeard #AbdominalWorkout #PostureTips #KyphosisSupport #PrenatalExercise #MindfulMovement #FitAndStrong #WellnessJourney